Airfield Operations
Empowering your Airfield Operations

Navigation Systems
The Instrument Landing System (ILS) provides precise short-range guidance for aircraft approaching runways in poor visibility, ensuring safe landings.
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) measures the slant range between an aircraft and ground station using radio signals, ensuring accurate distance tracking.
Doppler Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range (DVOR) stations enable aircraft to determine their azimuth relative to magnetic north using VHF signals.
Multilateration (MLAT) enhances navigation by using fixed transmission sites to calculate an aircraft's exact position.
Combined with advanced airport lighting systems, these technologies ensure optimal safety and navigation support, even in challenging weather conditions or at night.

Environment Systems
Runway Visual Range (RVR) is essential for determining landing and takeoff conditions, providing critical visibility information to pilots and air traffic controllers during low-visibility events such as fog, rain, or sandstorms. RVR helps assess whether conditions meet operational minima for safe takeoff and landing.
Complementing RVR, the Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) offers continuous, real-time weather data at airports. This fully configurable system delivers up-to-date reports on weather conditions, enhancing situational awareness for pilots and controllers.
Together, RVR and AWOS ensure safer flight operations, enabling informed decision-making in challenging weather environments for all aeronautical users.

Surveillance Systems
The Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (SMGCS) enhances the safe control of aircraft and vehicles on the ground, providing routing, guidance, and surveillance to maintain efficient surface movement in all weather conditions, while ensuring safety at the declared aerodrome visibility operational level (AVOL).
The Data Link Automatic Terminal Information Service (DATIS) delivers real-time, routine information to arriving and departing aircraft via data link (D-ATIS) or continuous voice broadcasts (Voice-ATIS).
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADSB) enables aircraft and vehicles to broadcast their position, altitude, and vector, supporting improved situational awareness for air traffic control and other aircraft.